Submit application

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Do you have a question about your application for a residence permit, duplicate or refund? On this page you will find the answer to most questions. Is your question not listed? Please feel free to contact us. We can be reached by phone during our office hours. You can also email us. For questions about your application, always mention the application number and FMSCRV number.

If the request of the application is not approved, the applicant will receive a written notification (a so-called decree) regarding the rejection of the application (article 17 LTU). This decree will be announced in writing by sending or issuing it to the applicant. It is explained to the applicant the reason of rejection and that it is possible to file an objection within 6 weeks. This process can take 5 months, so the applicant has to wait abroad for the verdict.

If the applicant does not wish to object, it is possible to submit a refund so that the fees can be reclaimed. An application for refund can only be submitted after the objection period has expired. 

A Re-entry permit is a declaration showing until when and under which conditions the applicant has the right to return to Curaçao.

This Re-entry permit is a decree and is issued for a specific period. This decree may therefore also be used for multiple trips and for specific period.

Every week the status of the applications will be published on the website

In the issued decree under the heading handling is listed the documents that must be submitted to collect the residence permit.

The documents to be submitted depend on the type of application you wish to submit. You can find the required documents on the application form or online.

You must apply a Declaration Van Rechtswege at the Admission Office. 

The grounds for refusal are:

  • in view of public order or the public interest, including economic reasons 
  • having insufficient financial resources 

The reasons for revocation are:

  1. conviction for a violation, or up to more than 3 months for a crime
  2. good morals or general interest 
  3. far-reaching indigence
  4. violation of the permit conditions


Other reasons for revocation:

  • cohabitation agreement has ended
  • guarantor has withdrawn his warranty 
  • employer has withdrawn the working permit

You must demonstrate in one way or another that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself.

The foreigner who wants to live and work here must apply for a work permit. The basic principle is when a foreigner has a work permit, this shown as sufficient financial resources.

Family reunification on the basis of legal marriage has been allowed since 2006. If the cohabitation agreement has been concluded in the Netherlands or the BES islands, it will also be allowed.

If the spouse also has the Dutch or American nationality, he/she does not need to apply for a work permit (TWV). If the spouse of a foreign nationality is married to a Dutch citizen, she does not need to apply for a work permit to be able to work. If the spouse of foreign nationality is married to a person of American nationality, she must apply for a work permit if he/she wants to work.

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