FAQ – Verlenging

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Do you have a question about your application for a residence permit, duplicate or refund? On this page you will find the answer to most questions. Is your question not listed? Please feel free to contact us. We can be reached by phone during our office hours. You can also email us. For questions about your application, always mention the application number and FMSCRV number.


The application can be submitted a maximum of 4 months before and at the latest on the day of expiry of the validity.

If the application for the renewal of a permit has not been submitted on the final date, but has been submitted within 3 months after expiry of the validity, (so after the date of validity), the application will still be treated as a renewal application. All required documents must be submitted within the period of 3 months. However, the permit to be granted subsequently will be granted with effect from the date on which the renewal application is submitted. A direct consequence of a late application is that the build-up of the residence rights of the foreign national will have to start all over again from scratch. If the renewal application is submitted after this “tolerance” period (so after 3 months), it will be considered as a first application.

The requirement list depends on the purpose for which you have to submit an application. See tab of each purpose.

If the application is submitted before the expiry date of the permit, this is not a problem.

If the application is submitted after the expiry date of the permit, the applicant will receive a residence gap, which means an interruption in the 10 years that must be without interruption in order to be eligible for a permit for an indefinite period.

You have 4 months before the expiry of your residence permit to submit an application for renewal. If documents are missing when you submit your application, you must indicate this in your application.

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